Saturday, August 31, 2019

Andrew Carnegie

A man who had a goal and stopped at nothing to achieve It. Some call him a robber baron and others, a captain of industry. At thirteen years of age Carnegie had moved to America from Scotland. This move was exactly what was needed for Andrew Carnegie to begin building his empire and In doing so, contributing to society along the way. I respect Carnegie a great deal for his success and by no means, contribute his success to anything other than his determination, want and persistence.I feel Carnegie contributed a great deal to society. He has paved many ways and helped society evolve greatly. Many portray him as this monster who cared not for anyone except his money and success however, that is not the case. In my eyes, someone who comes from such a background as Carnegie had, should be proud of his accomplishments. Unfortunately, envy and jealousy are a part of human nature. We always want what we can't have yet, we can have most of the things we want but, to do so usually means we ha ve to work harder, think outside the box and take risks.We have to have he want. Carnegie did. I am baffled that more people cannot see the good that Carnegie has done. Most of the people in Carnage's time had jobs due to him. Now, they may not have been paid in fortunes but, if I remember correctly, Carnegie was not paid that way either in his early life. He started out in poverty and rose to the top. He worked in cotton mills with his father from dawn to dusk, making $1. 20 as a bobbin boy. Carnegie had a dream, and it was a big one. His intelligence and desire to learn are what helped make his empire. Carnegie was an Industrialist.He believed that the rich and wealthy had a duty to use their riches In ways that promoted the advancement of society. This Idea is what he referred to as the Gospel of Wealth. He wanted to give back and help those who wanted to help themselves. Carnegie believed that the lifestyles of wealthy and how they live actually benefits society. I also believe the same. It provides a vision for the poor to want to strive to. This vision is what separates the ones who wanted to better themselves from the ones who don't want to put in the work. Throughout his wealthy life, he gave so much to society.The best means of benefiting the community is to place within its reach the ladders upon which the aspiring can rise?free libraries, parks, and means of recreation, by which men are helped in body and mind; works of art, certain to give pleasure and improve the public taste; and public institutions of various kinds, which will improve the general condition of the people; In this manner returning their surplus wealth to the massif their fellows In the forms best calculated to do them lasting good. † (Finer 30) There Is no disputing the fact that employees of his were not treated In the best says.He ran his factories In such a way that he was hated for It. Carnegie wanted his factories to run at the maximum. He was a brute of a boss but, so are many still stressful and harsh work environments. In fact, I would bet my life that there is abuse in the workplace still today. The differences are few between today and Carnage's time. He went about a lot of things in a very different way than most. In doing so, even with the harsh and abusive work environment, he still thought of the benefit of the people. The belief that it was his obligation to give back as much as he could.He always looked at the big picture of things. There were two sides of Carnegie. On the one, he was a very intense, brutal boss. He wanted the maximum output of most things. He was willing to do what needed to be done to succeed. He was a genuine businessman. On the other, he was a very intelligent, giving, and very caring man. He believed that anyone could make themselves a better person and by doing so would be contributing to society. Carnegie wanted a society where everyone strives for greatness, where all men could better themselves. He wanted to he lp this happen in NY way he was able to.He believed that contributions to helping those who wanted to improve was one of the greatest contributions of all. He wanted to see society succeed. He helped bring America to it's highly powerful level that it is at. â€Å"There were the famous libraries-three thousand of them costing nearly sixty million dollars; there were the Carnegie institutes in Pittsburgh and Washington, Carnegie Hall in New York, the Hogue Peace Palace, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and the precedent-making Carnegie Corporation of New York, with its original enormous endowment of $125,000,000. † Ornithologist. Mom) We all need and enjoy the resources of public libraries and a vast majority have been provided by Andrew Carnegie. Although he left a bitter taste for most when it came to his workers, his many other contributions and commitments should out way the distaste. Carnegie lived up to his beliefs at their fullest in his end of days. He l eft almost all of his fortune to philanthropies. Carnegie shows us that even the best of men with the greatest of ideals can fall victim to the temptations of wealth. However, his victory in he end, of not forgetting his beliefs , also shows us how theses failures can be turned into successes.In the elite group of the â€Å"one percent,† Carnegie was very much different from the majority. He felt compelled to do good with his success and fortune. He felt that benefiting society by any means was in fact, the greatest victory of all. I feel that this statement from Andrew Carnegie is one of great value and is an appropriate conclusion to my essay. Meet the day is not far distant when the man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which was free for him to administer during life, will pass away â€Å"unwept, unhorsed, and unsung,† no matter to what uses he leaves the dross which he cannot take with him.

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice is a tragic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. Though classified as a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspe cts with Shakespeare's other romantic comedies, the play is perhaps most remembered for its dramatic scenes, and is best known for Shylock and the famous ‘Hath not a Jew eyes' speech. Also notable is Portia's speech about the ‘quality of mercy'.The title character is the merchant Antonio, not the Jewish moneylender Shylock, who is the play's most prominent and most famous character. This is made explicit by the title page of the first quarto: The most excellent History of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylock the Jew towards the Merchant. Summary: Antonio, a Venetian merchant, complains to his friends of a melancholy that he cannot explain. His friend Bassanio is desperately in need of money to court Portia, a weal thy heiress who lives in the city of Belmont.Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan in order to travel in style to Portia’s estate. Antonio agrees, but is unable to make the loan himself because his own money is all invested in a number of trade ships that are still at sea. Antonio suggests that Bassanio secure the loan from one of the city’s moneylenders and name Antonio as the loan’s guarantor. In Belmont, Portia expresses sadness over the terms of her father’s will, which stipulates that she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of three caskets.None of Portia’s current suitors are to her liking, and she and her lady-in-waiting, Nerissa, fondly remember a visit paid some time before by Bassanio. In Venice, Antonio and Bassanio approach Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, for a loan. Shylock nurses a long-standing grudge against Antonio, who has made a habit of berating Shylock and other Jews for their usury, the practice of loaning money at exorbita nt rates of interest, and who undermines their business by offering interest-free loans. Although Antonio refuses to apologize for his behavior, Shylock acts agreeably and offers to lendBassanio three thousand ducats with no interest. Shylock adds, however, that should the loan go unpaid, Shylock will be entitled to a pound of Antonio’s own flesh. Despite Bassanio’s warnings, Antonio agrees. In Shylock’s own household, his servant Launcelot decides to leave Shylock’s service to work for Bassanio, and Shylock’s daughter Jessica schemes to elope with Antonio’s friend Lorenzo. That night, the streets of Venice fill up with revelers, and Jessica escapes with Lorenzo by dressing as his page.After a night of celebration, Bassanio and his friend Gratiano leave for Belmont, where Bassanio intends to win Portia’s hand. In Belmont, Portia welcomes the prince of Morocco, who has come in an attempt to choose the right casket to marry her. The pri nce studies the inscriptions on the three caskets and chooses the gold one, which proves to be an incorrect choice. In Venice, Shylock is furious to find that his daughter has run away, but rejoices in the fact that Antonio’s ships are rumored to have been wrecked and that he will soon be able to claim his debt.In Belmont, the prince of Arragon also visits Portia. He, too, studies the caskets carefully, but he picks the silver one, which is also incorrect. Bassanio arrives at Portia’s estate, and they declare their love for one another. Despite Portia’s request that he wait before choosing, Bassanio immediately picks the correct casket, which is made of lead. He and Portia rejoice, and Gratiano confesses that he has fallen in love with Nerissa. The couples decide on a double wedding.Portia gives Bassanio a ring as a token of love, and makes him swear that under no circumstances will he part with it. They are joined, unexpectedly, by Lorenzo and Jessica. The cele bration, however, is cut short by the news that Antonio has indeed lost his ships, and that he has forfeited his bond to Shylock. Bassanio and Gratiano immediately travel to Venice to try and save Antonio’s life. After they leave, Portia tells Nerissa that they will go to Venice disguised as men. Shylock ignores the many pleas to spare Antonio’s life, and a trial is called to decide the matter.The duke of Venice, who presides over the trial, announces that he has sent for a legal expert, who turns out to be Portia disguised as a young man of law. Portia asks Shylock to show mercy, but he remains inflexible and insists the pound of flesh is rightfully his. Bassanio offers Shylock twice the money due him, but Shylock insists on collecting the bond as it is written. Portia examines the contract and, finding it legally binding, declares that Shylock is entitled to the merchant’s flesh.Shylock ecstatically praises her wisdom, but as he is on the verge of collecting h is due, Portia reminds him that he must do so without causing Antonio to bleed, as the contract does not entitle him to any blood. Trapped by this logic, Shylock hastily agrees to take Bassanio’s money instead, but Portia insists that Shylock take his bond as written, or nothing at all. Portia informs Shylock that he is guilty of conspiring against the life of a Venetian citizen, which means he must turn over half of his property to the state and the other half to Antonio.The duke spares Shylock’s life and takes a fine instead of Shylock’s property. Antonio also forgoes his half of Shylock’s wealth on two conditions: first, Shylock must convert to Christianity, and second, he must will the entirety of his estate to Lorenzo and Jessica upon his death. Shylock agrees and takes his leave. Bassanio, who does not see through Portia’s disguise, showers the young law clerk with thanks, and is eventually pressured into giving Portia the ring with which he promised never to part. Gratiano gives Nerissa, who is disguised as Portia’s clerk, his ring.The two women return to Belmont, where they find Lorenzo and Jessica declaring their love to each other under the moonlight. When Bassanio and Gratiano arrive the next day, their wives accuse them of faithlessly giving their rings to other women. Before the deception goes too far, however, Portia reveals that she was, in fact, the law clerk, and both she and Nerissa reconcile with their husbands. Lorenzo and Jessica are pleased to learn of their inheritance from Shylock, and the joyful news arrives that Antonio’s ships have in fact made it back safely. The group celebrates its good fortune.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Secret River Conflict Impacts Greatest on the Most Vulnerable

When confronted with conflict it is the vulnerable who suffer the greatest as the powerful are indifferent to them. Vulnerability, encountering conflict and how people respond to conflict are unavoidable experiences worldwide. But ultimately vulnerability depends on the situation that a person is in. When it comes down to powerful verses the defenceless, it is the weak who are influenced the most by conflict as the powerful do not understand to what extent their actions effect others. Although the powerful trump others on their way to the top perhaps it is the assailable people who allow themselves to be manipulated. It is more prominent today that the vulnerable are greatly impacted at the hands of the powerful because of their differences, but what defines vulnerability in any given person relies on the position or state they are in. What can define a person as vulnerable are finical struggles, emotional struggles, physical struggles and racial struggles while also being defenceless, exposed and weak in nature. Considering this definition, vulnerability alters and differs for different people, whether they are blind, poor, depressed, discriminated against everyone is ‘vulnerable' in some form. It is almost always that a person becomes powerless due to their confrontation with conflict. Some of the most influential and powerful people can become weak and belittled at the hands of others or their own actions. It is the story of the rags to riches that we so often hear about but it can also be the case of riches to rags. Everyone has been deprived of their privileges or has been weak at some point in their life due to encountering a conflict. It is unavoidable; it is what defines us a person along with our resilience to keep fighting after being weak or defenceless. Most people do not have the courage to question the issue and their response to conflict is altered due to the lack of questioning. These weak people have the opportunity to be strong and stand up for what is morally right when an issue arises but instead succumbs to mob mentality and peer pressure forcing them to do things that are not of the norm, ultimately making them vulnerable. When in a new situation and new environment, people can become a weaker version of themselves. In the past it has been colonisation in Australia was what encouraged vulnerability. Some Australians thought that they had to â€Å"stick together† and by doing so attempting to control the Indigenous Australians and force them to assimilate into a dominant white culture. With this thought process of sticking together it forced some people to make decisions they wouldn’t normally make and became vulnerable and succumbed to what the majority was saying as they didn’t want to be viewed as siding with the Indigenous Australians. The situation a person is in impacts on their ability to stay strong and not become weak, once vulnerable conflict impacts greater. The problem with the powerful today is that they don't understand how their actions affect others. Majority of the powerful people worldwide started at the bottom of the food chain. Some worked hard for fortune and power; others had it handed to them. The problem with power is that it is easily abused and used for all the wrong reasons; to stay on top can sometimes become the top priority for the privileged. Staying at the top of the pyramid of society can significantly influence and impact the vulnerable as social status can be shifted immensely. On the way to the top the advantaged push others down so they can reach what they believe to be success and supremacy. The fragile are almost always targeted as it is easy to overcome and trump them giving the powerful an effortless route to total control of power. Due to the differences between the privileged ad underprivileged the powerful don’t understand what their actions can truly do. They don’t comprehend how little these people already have, because they may have never experienced a life unlike their own. During colonisation the British governor allowed British settlers to hurt and even kill the Aboriginals all because they were different. â€Å"On occasion of any native coming armed, or in a hostile manner without arms to any farm belonging to British subjects, such natives are first to be desired in a civil manner to depart from the said farm. † The indifferences between the two conflicting cultures made the powerful discriminate against what they believed to be a subhuman and inferior race and not really understand what is meant to the Aboriginals. The Aboriginals had the land first it was apart of their culture, their way of life and when it was taken away they had no other way to respond other then trying to claim back what was rightfully theirs. The government truly did not realise how they were affecting the Indigenous communities at the time. They take away what little the vulnerable have without even realising the consequences that has for the less advantaged. With a society obsessive over money and wealth there is no questioning when it comes to money versus human beings and raw emotions; money conquers all. The real question is why don’t people care about one another? The only way to fix and help the vulnerable from being constantly dragged down is to help the hedonistic society we live in. Power, wealth and what people believe to be success have become the top priority of those who are too selfish and too inconsiderate. These money infatuated people need to start taking into consideration others and stop pushing them down for their own desires. They need to realise that everyone is equal, everyone deserves the same and that they have to live with these people for the rest of their life. Sure, they can avoid the weak they have hurt but a life of harmony would be much greater then one of avoidance. The powerful that are ravenous and greedy need to stop and consider what how their actions are effecting the weak so that the targeted victims have a chance to grow and to prosper. Although the vulnerable are constantly victimised by those craving power perhaps they allow themselves to be manipulated. Sure, we all feel sorry for the less privileged but how can we when they allow themselves to be stepped all over? Yes, some of the disadvantaged are genuinely stuck in a lower social class with no hope of thriving but there are so many that take any opportunity they can in the hopes of moving up in the world. These choices are thoughtless choices. When an authoritative and influential figure approaches the weak and asks them for help there is no doubting that they would say yes. They powerful have the vulnerable in the palm of their hands and the underprivileged let them. Why, why would you let someone walk all over you when you know that they are just using you for something greater? I personally believe it is so that the vulnerable can be viewed as incapable and desperate drawing the powerful to them in the hopes of leeching something off them. What they don’t understand is that the rich and the privileged have a lot more resources for victory and it is a pointless attempt to try and receive anything from them. They want to stay at the bottom so that others feel sorry for them, so that they don’t have to work, so they can get by on the scrapings that we give them. They idolise the advantaged and in doing so they are blinded by their own obsession allowing them to be susceptible to manipulating and scheming. It is also the case of mob mentality when someone gives into peer pressure making them extremely pathetic and will do anything they are told because they don’t have the courage to question what is right, subjecting them to manipulation. In terms of past events in history, again British colonisation forced many people to succumb to peer pressure, with the added pressure and the desire for power it forced many settlers to do things they wouldn’t normally do. â€Å"It was not the voice of any one man but the voice of the group, faceless and powerful. † The underprivileged remain underprivileged due to the fact that they permit the privileged manoeuvre them in hopes of leeching something off them or in hopes that they may to become powerful. Ultimately the vulnerable endure greater suffering as they allow themselves to be manipulated and crushed in the hopes of something new, something better. What it means to be vulnerable can differ from situation to situation and only when confronted with a issue can they really know whether they are ‘vulnerable’ or not. To make this world a better place, a place of equality the powerful need to stop treating the disadvantaged purely based on indifferences. Nobody likes racism so there is no reason to discriminate against the poor or fragile just for being who they are.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why do good people suffer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Why do good people suffer - Research Paper Example Do we then simply have to accept things and tell ourselves, â€Å"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised† (Job 1:21)? Not exactly, for in every human being, there is a natural curiosity to know why things happen, and especially why bad things happen to good people. We may feel angry and bitter at the suffering that good people experience and at all the injustice around us, but the Book of Job and the Scriptures somehow shed light on the idea that these sufferings, especially those of good people, indeed have a spiritual basis. The reasons why good people suffer are mostly implied in the Book of Job in the Hebrew Bible. One of the essential points that the book is trying to emphasize is that God’s will transcends innocence. In simple terms, it means that God will not spare someone from suffering simply because one claims to be innocent. This further means that despite one’s goodness and obedience to God and to His laws, bad things may still happen to him. Job himself actually claims innocence when he states that he has not committed sins like lust, lies, idolatry and adultery. Job also reiterates that he has not failed to help the needy and the poor and his slaves, and that he has not even treated his enemies in an unfair way (Job 31:1-40, New International Version Holy Bible). Nevertheless, Job experiences extreme suffering. All these imply one thing – that God’s will is above man’s innocence. In fact, because of this, Job assumes that God is cruel, where such assumption is evident in the lines â€Å"I cry out to you, God, but you do not answer† (Job 30:20), and, â€Å"You turn on me ruthlessly; with the might of your hand you attack me† (Job 30:21). Indeed, anyone who does not show compassion to the weak and innocent is viewed as cruel. Nevertheless, God remains above man’s innocence and man’s concept of sparing the innocent from suffering. The concept of innocence is actually one which is mostly misunderstood by the layman. Perhaps one reason for this is that man usually equates moral innocence with legal innocence. It is in this respect that man is mistaken. Good people suffer because â€Å"technically speaking there are no good [or innocent] people† (Slick). The apostle Paul echoes this in his Epistle to the Romans, where he says, â€Å"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God† (Rom. 3:23). This means that no one is spared from sin. Paul even calls himself â€Å"chief of sinners† (1 Tim. 1:15). Moreover, even Jesus Himself says, â€Å"Why do you call Me good?...No one is good except God alone† (Lk. 18:18). Furthermore, Job’s defense of himself by claiming that he has been a good man all along is actually not even plausible for everyone simply is a sinner, regardless of the good or the bad he has done. It is true that in terms of the law of the country or in terms of rules, it is clear who obeys it and who violates it. However, when it comes to the Scriptures, there are really no good people and that bad things just simply happen to them. What then is the effect of this sin? The apostle Paul describes the effects of sin on the Ephesians: â€Å"Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed† (Eph. 4:19). Thus, sin, according to Paul, leads to more sin. Moreover, sin can lead to various physiological problems such as â€Å"liver problems, diabetes, heart disease† as well as emotional problems like â€Å"guilt, low self-esteem [and] loss of self-respect† (Vandermark). Thus, sin leads to both emotional and physical suffering. Lastly, perhaps the worst effect of sin is stated by the apostle Paul in

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Produce a report on the marketing of a consumer product of your choice Essay

Produce a report on the marketing of a consumer product of your choice utilizing some of the techniques discussed on your course - Essay Example In fact, Nokia Smartphones have pushed the company out of losses and set it on a path of reclamation and growth (Garside, 2013). 2. Key Market Segments for Nokia Lumia and Size of Market   2.1 Customer Segments Targeted Nokia smartphones are now available for many different customer segments as shown below: Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 These phones are based on the Windows 8 platform, are 4G enabled, and target customers who can purchase higher end products and who desire latest technology and a large variety of apps (Aulakh, 2013). Lumia 720 and Lumia 520 These smartphones target the price sensitive customer segment. These are priced at low and mid-range and provide almost similar hardware as its sophisticated higher end sets. However, the services provided are lesser. The concept behind these phones is to target customers who cannot afford high end phones but who still need cell phones for net connectivity and functional utility (Spence, 2013). Nokia Lumia 700 and 800 These are the lo w range of smartphones that were initially launched to create interest and awareness among the new customers (Spence, 2013). It can therefore be observed that Nokia Smartphones cover nearly all the customer segments with the variety of products that they have in the market. 2.2 Market Size and Growth The market for the smartphones is in the stage of rapid growth as can be seen from the growth statistics for the last year. In the second quarter of the year 2012, the mobile market grew at the rate of 1% with 406.0 million units of mobiles being shipped during the quarter (IDC Press Release, 2012). However, the smartphones market grew at a much higher rate of 42.1% in 2012 with 153.9 million  units being shipped worldwide (IDC Press Release, 2012). The main competitors in the smartphone market are Samsung and Apple. These two players have captured diverse market segments ranging from low priced to high priced. Samsung focuses on a diverse strategy where it introduces smartphones for a variety of customer segments so that it covers all sections of the market. On the other hand, Apple targets only the high end customer segment with sophisticated and highly priced smartphones. Smartphones growth markets largely consist of the European countries as well as emerging economies of Asia and Latin America. There is a continuous rise in the demand of smartphones in countries like India and China which provide a huge market due to their large populations. However, in spite of the large growth and expected progression of the smartphone market, Nokia has fallen behind the two main competitors – Samsung and Apple. The reason is largely attributed to the introduction of the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 that prevented existing uses of Nokia Lumia to upgrade to the new operating system (Garside, 2013). This restriction led to a decline in the sales of the Nokia Lumia though it is expected that the upgradation will eventually happen for the existing users. Like Samsung, Noki a also follows the strategy of penetrating diverse customer segments and has developed smartphones of varying prices and sophistication. The following graph shows the BCG matrix for smartphone market and the market position of Nokia: Figure 1: BCG Matrix for Smartphone Market and Market Position of Nokia Lumia 3. Future Trends in Smart Phone Market

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An Episode of Learning and Teaching as a Mental Health Nurse Essay

An Episode of Learning and Teaching as a Mental Health Nurse - Essay Example In addition it focuses on external influences capable of promoting behavior change rather than thoughts and feelings. Learning occurs by means of operant conditioning in which motivation to change behavior or learn incorporates the use of reinforcement or rewards. The probability of a behavior reoccurring would become likely when followed by reinforcement. For instance, behavioral skills for helping children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders may include hygiene tasks, completion of homework tasks and taking turns when talking. For each successfully completed task, a child would be given a sticker. Hence, a child receives a reward upon attaining a stated number of stickers (Videbeck 2010, pp. 53-54; Norman 2004, pp. 8-10). In mental health education, behaviorism enables nurses to teach service users new coping skills in relation to symptoms of mental health problems. Through behaviorism theory, nurses recognize that intervention measures facilitate changes in observed beh avior, feelings and thoughts. Changing deep-rooted habits encompass assisting service users to identify their motivating factors as well as how a new habit or lifestyle could be made permanent. Similarly, distressed persons could systematically become desensitized to help them overcome irrational anxiety and fears relating to phobia. For instance, the user would be asked to list from the slightest to the most provoking of all situations involving the phobia causing object. The service user then learns and puts into practices relaxation skills to help him reduce and manage anxiety. The user would then be exposed to more anxiety causing objects or situations until he becomes able to manage the most provoking situation (Jones et al. 2012,... This essay approves that a variety of effective psychological strategies ought to be availed for service users who may want to attempt them in their recovery process. Furthermore, exercise needs to be prescribed in mental health learning experiences. Also worth noting would be that mental health problems exist alongside other health problems. Taking this into account, treatment and care should be provided on an individual service user basis while incorporating the individual’s cultural, social and socio-economic preferences, lifestyle and background. Innovative projects would enhance complementary treatment and care related skills through social services appropriate for mental health patients. This report makes a conclusion that mental health problems affect both children and adults. Considerable progresses have become achieved in the use of humanistic approaches to the recovery process in the recent past. This paper provided a report on the teaching and learning episode relating to mental health education involving nurses, service users, observers and an assessor. The teaching experiences focused on providing mental health education to mental health patients in enabling them develop physical well-being and a holistic recovery process. In this regard, an analysis of the practical application of learning theories as well as learning styles related to their applicability to the teaching and learning practice. These theories help both nurses and service users to identify their own learning needs and those of others along with meeting differing learning needs with regards to different learning styles as advocated by Honey and Mumford.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Human Cloning And Its Disadvantages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Cloning And Its Disadvantages - Essay Example   The laws dismayed scientists and experts alike who believe that human cloning can advance humanity. However, an opposing view on human cloning began to broaden as we gradually understand the implications human cloning may pose in the future. Recently, experts in various fields contend that human cloning could become a threat to society if we do not exercise prudence and rationality in the utilization of the said technology. Specialists and ordinary citizens alike assert that human cloning should be banned because of its adverse moral and ethical implications, it is extremely unsafe and it is socially and psychologically harmful.  The laws dismayed scientists and experts alike who believe that human cloning can advance humanity. However, an opposing view on human cloning began to broaden as we gradually understand the implications human cloning may pose in the future.   Recently, experts in various fields contend that human cloning could become a threat to society if we do not exercise prudence and rationality in the utilization of the said technology.   Specialists and ordinary citizens alike assert that human cloning should be banned because of its adverse moral and ethical implications, it is extremely unsafe and it is socially and psychologically harmful.   The prospect of utilizing cloning technology, not just for the purposes of therapy and treatment of genetically linked diseased but also cloning humans for another purpose, pose profound ethical questions.... This behavior toward children could also lead to heightened2"commercialization and industrialization of human procreation" and could result to a new 'eugenics' in which parents choose what 'kind' of genetically 'modified' child to have. Another of consideration we need to look closely at, is the argument with regards the possibility of creating human life in order to destroy it in the end. As there are two most common prospects of human cloning, one of which is the cloning to replicate a 'whole' human being and the other one is for therapeutic purposes, the majority of the President's Council stressed that cloning for therapeutic purposes obliges that 3"the creation of human life expressly and exclusively for the purpose of its use in research, research that necessarily involves its destruction, ... transform[ing] nascent human life into nothing more than a resource tool." Another danger that comes with the utilization of the technology to clone humans is related to safety. The Council on Bioethics asserted that, 4"[g]iven the highrates of morbidity and mortality in the cloning of other mammals, we believe that cloning-to-produce-children would be extremely unsafe. Scientists and experts agreed that the scientific information indicate that the techniques utilized by scientists is not safe on humans as shown in the experiments with animals demonstrating that, with very many attempts to clone life, only a few percentage is successful. In addition, a great number of the clones die during gestation and most often newborn clones carry abnormalities or die as a result. Although many content that the risks are reduced as the technology advances, reproductive cloning is costly and highly

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In-Flight Customer Service Excellence at Emirates Dissertation

In-Flight Customer Service Excellence at Emirates - Dissertation Example e Review 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Customer orientation 7 2.3 Customer satisfaction 7 2.4 Customer Service Excellence 9 2.5 Customer perception and attitude 11 2.6 Contact employees and attributes 13 2.7 Attribution Theory 15 2.8 Cabin crew training, selection and staff maintenance 16 Chapter III Methodology 3.1 Research Philosophy 19 3.2 Research Phenomenon 19 3.3 Research Approach 19 3.4 Research Design 21 3.5 Role of the researcher 21 3.6 Data collection 22 3.7 Data Analysis 25 3.8 Ethical concerns 25 3.9 Reliability and Validity 25 Chapter IV Presentation of Results 4.1 Competitor Airlines 27 4.2 Emirate Airlines 32 4.3 Data Analysis 43 Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusion 49 5.2 Recommendations 51 5.3 Limitations 51 References 52 Appendices 56 Tables Chart I Relationship with Emirates 38 Chart II Reasons for traveling Emirates 38 Chart III Service attributes 39 Chart IV Staff & Attributes 39 Chart V Best In-flight Service 40 Chart VI Services Desired 40 Chart VII Service Improvements 41 Chart VIII Staff Rating 41 Chart IX Customer Satisfaction 42 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background Consumers today are enlightened and empowered, and drive the changes in the market place. They are well informed, aware and concerned about products. These have an impact on companies’ go-to-market and service approaches (Baird & Gonzalez-Wertz 2011). Consumer behavior has fundamentally changed with the technological advancements and the old business models are threatened. Marketing professionals have to focus on developing fresh consumer insights which will enable them to transform customer experience. As markets have matured companies that had developed sophisticated but complex business models face tremendous pressure to reduce costs while meeting broad customer...Consumers today are enlightened and empowered, and drive the changes in the market place. They are well informed, aware and concerned about products. These have an impact on companiesâ€℠¢ go-to-market and service approaches (Baird & Gonzalez-Wertz 2011). Consumer behavior has fundamentally changed with the technological advancements and the old business models are threatened. Marketing professionals have to focus on developing fresh consumer insights which will enable them to transform customer experience. As markets have matured companies that had developed sophisticated but complex business models face tremendous pressure to reduce costs while meeting broad customer needs (Hansson, Ringbeck & Franke 2003). Service providers such as the airline have increased the scope their products and services over the decades which has impacted customer expectations. While their aim was to serve larger and more diverse customer base, it resulted in cost structure that is sustainable only when the principal competitors follow the same route (Hansson, Ringbeck & Franke 2003). The traditional carriers received a setback with the advent of technology and when low-cost airlines entered the competition. The low-cost carriers now dictate prices in large and growing parts of the market. This again prompted the larger traditional carriers to change their business model or offer some point of differentiation. One of the areas that airlines could differentiate was in adding value for the customer.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ss310 unit 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ss310 unit 8 - Research Paper Example hat grew out of the Great Society initiative can most succinctly be concentrated to those dealing with poverty and the level of racial equality within the United States. As such, it is without a doubt that the level of racial equality since Johnson’s time has improved greatly. This of course does not mean that ours is a society without any racial conflict; however, great strides have been made to include the use and application of affirmative and a host of others. With respect to poverty and its representation within the American society, the same cannot be said. If one measures the overall level of poverty that existed during the Johnson administration as compared to the overall level of poverty for each proceeding decade, the trend is saddening. This is due to a host of economic factors and cannot ultimately be attributed to the government’s failure or success in implementation of the Great Society; however, it is indicative of the level of success that such a program has experienced. As such, it is the opinion of this student that taken as an aggregate, the overall success of the Great Society would be a solid C to C-. This is due to the fact that although great strides have been made with regards to racial equality as a function of government programs, directives, and legislation, the level of poverty itself has not shrunk and in many ways has grown to encompass an even larger segment of American society. With regards to the level of faith that this student has with regards to whether Social Security and/or Medicaid will be available during my entire lifetime, the answer to this question is that I have little if any faith that these programs will be there for the entirety of my life. The reason for this is the level of short-sightedness with which successive Congresses and presidents have dealt with this issue. Moreover, as each successive administration promises to ensure that these programs continue to exist well into the future, the fact of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

History of Development Exxon Mobil Research Paper

History of Development of Exxon Mobil - Research Paper Example In 1870, Standard Oil Company with Rockefeller and his associates transformed the Exxon Mobile and the combined facilities became the main basis of what had been known as the largest refining capacity of any single company in the world. Standard had been carried as a name due to fact that the word means uniform which pertains to the quality of the oil products. In the same decade, specifically in 1879, the Standard Oil Co. owned a significant part of the Vacuum Oil Company, a pioneer in lubricant products. The company which was established by Matthew Ewing and Hiram Bond Everest was known for products such as the revolutionary Gargoyle 600-W Steam Cylinder Oil (ExxonMobil Site). In the same year, the Standard Oil Trust had been established in cooperation with 30 affiliated companies (Tracy, Tordo and Arfaa 15). In the next decade, 1880, the domestic share in the refining of the company increased to 95 percent (Tracy, Tordo and Arfaa 15). In 1882, the Standard Oil products were used for Thomas Edison’s first central generating system. In the same year, the Standard Oil Companies in New Jersey and New York were included in the Trust. The headquarters of Standard Oil Trust then moved to Broadway, New York in a 9-story office which became one of the most important landmarks in the city. Also in the same year, the Gargoyle Arctic was developed by Vacuum and used for new designs of generators and motors for a maximum speed of 1000 rpm (ExxonMobil Site). The new century still opened new opportunities for the company. In 1903, the Wright brothers were included in the loyal clients of Jersey Standard fuel and Mobiloil lubricants by Vacuum.